Monday, September 17, 2012

historic route 66

Drivin' around town.
Taken with Pentax 67 105mm 2.4 . Ektar 100.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

show and tell

I realize this blog is becoming more of a show and tell than I'd like it to be. Eventually I plan on posting diy's and recipes and all kind of other things you might actually want to know. 

But for now I'm showing you these beautiful things I've found in hopes that you will appreciate them as much as I do.
Like this bag.
Look at this's amazing. We went to an estate sale on the last day (because we don't like spending a lot of money) and found a whole table of old film stuff. A lot a lot of stuff. Some stuff that cost thousands of dollars and some stuff that cost a couple dollars.
We come across old leather camera bags all the time and already have quite a few. But this bag holds our 5d with the lens attached with room left over. I can actually use this bag when I'm just wandering around town and don't want to cripple my back even more by carrying the huge backpack.
But really I think the best part about this bag is that it was only $12.


The lady who once lived in this house must have been one classy lady. I've never seen such beautiful stuff in my life. She had SO many beautiful old doily's that I like to think she hand made.  

But maybe the most beautiful thing of all is this hat. One of the ladies running the sale told me they sold over 40 vintage hats.
I believe this was probably the best one and it was waiting for me.

Oh and I bought one other thing but I probably won't show it for a very long time.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

rusty goodness

I'm sick of walking around the antique stores and even the flea market crying over things I can't have. Seriously sick of it.
So we skipped over the antique shops on our free day and went to an actual JUNK shop. I'm not sure it was even a shop, more like someone's yard. But it was huge and filled with so much stuff it would take a year to look through it all. We managed to come out with quite a few goodies.

These amazing knives.
Some old legs from a stove, an old cracked mirror, an enamel pot, cast iron skillet, pencil sharpener, Kodak camera and film, leather stamping kit, grease can, wooden bowl, a banged up light cover, some fan blades, PINK sunbeam mixing bowl, syrup dispenser, a green glass bottle, and a dog memorial box (came with two teeth and a lock of hair). 

Most of this probably looks really unnecessary to you but we have big plans.

Friday, September 7, 2012

picture day

You'd never know Jake actually hates getting his picture taken. Every time I have a camera pointed at him he's doing an odd mixture of nervous habits and asking if I'm done yet.
Most days it's just us and our animals so Jake is usually my creative subject. 
 We spent the day taking lots of photos, both in studio and outside (most of which I love of Jake and very few I like of myself).

Here is one Jake took of me:


Later in the evening we decided to walk some nature trails and shoot a roll of film (which is being developed right now.) And yes I did change clothes because of the unbearable heat.

On our way home we discovered a big bush of wild flowers so naturally I made Jake pull over so we could pick some.

 Happy weekend.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

catdog flower and a new stool


It's a sleepy day at the house. We finished most of our work last night and are now taking a free day before editing the next batch of photos. The flower is one Jake picked for me on our way back from OKC. As you can see we have a new stool that will soon be part of Jake's art studio. I'm somewhat partial to all things old, rusty, and chipped. Carlisle has also taken a liking towards it.
I don't typically hang over Jake when he's sleeping but I felt it was necessary with Willow being so cute and cuddly.

I'm not sure if it's the old wooden floors or the huge bright windows but I absolutely adore the atmosphere of my house. It's so warm and relaxing.

Happy Wednesday.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Jakes Birthday Celebration

Jake turned 21 last night! 

By the way, those glasses are filled with sparkling grape juice in case you were wondering.

 We had some friends come over and play games all night. I think it was a success.

This is the birthday cake I made him. I started out with a Momofuku recipe but altered to his requests. Once I perfect the recipe a bit I will post a blog about it :)

His brand new birthday shoes.
And our lovely animals enjoying the party.